There are so many temporary work agencies in New York and around the country that we couldn't keep an up-to-date list here. Check your yellow pages, but first, ask all your friends and acquaintances. Ask around to find out what the going rate is for different kinds of work and skills. Many agencies will offer free training in their computer labs which can help you improve your earning ability. In general, if you want to make money in an office, work on your typing skills (55wpm (words per minute) is desirable if you want to make more than a receptionist). Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing is a program which makes learning to type fun! Also, most offices use Microsoft's suite of "Office" programs: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Access. If your typing skills are good and you know one or more of these programs, you should be able to get a decent paying temporary position. When you go to a temp agency to apply for work, wear your BEST business outfit. Professional attire makes a big difference. Regardless of your resume, most companies will make you take a barrage of tests to confirm your level of ability on various programs. Show up well-rested, well-fed, etc., just like you would if you were taking the SATs. Unlike the SATs, you can always re-take this test. However, you want to do as well as you can so they can start placing you in those plum jobs as soon as possible. And now for the obvious but often missed: