ShowBiz Survival Kit

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Survival Guide for Performing Artists

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Survival Guide for Performers: Highlights

Discount Dance Supplies
Audition Listings
Web Design
Performers' Publicity
Living in NYC
Personal Safety
Apartment Hunting in NYC
Saving Money
Making Money
Sheet Music Stores
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The First Step:  
Your Publicity Package
...Not just a photo and a list of credits

The Performer's Professional ImageActormasks.jpg (2003 bytes)

What sort of image—as a performer—do you want to project? Fun-loving, happy-go-lucky comedic genius? Elegant, stylish, graceful leading lady/man? Serious, down-to-business professional? Perhaps your desired image is a mixture of these, or something entirely different—there is no right or wrong answer. However, whatever your image goal is, your promotional materials should reflect it. Do your materials make the grade? Why risk it? A coordinated, professionally created, custom-designed publicity package from YourType will help you present yourself and your professional image in the best possible light.

The Performer’s Publicity Pack

Being a performer is hard enough, without having to worry about promoting yourself as well. Unfortunately, all performers, whether managed or not, must be in a constant state of self-promotion to keep ahead of the game.

Make your self-promotion easier, more efficient and professional with a custom -designed promotion package from the experts at YourType.

YourType has over 10 years experience in promoting performing artists, and will craft your promotional materials into a package you’ll be proud of. Just as you want to look your best when you show up for your audition, you want your materials to look their best when they arrive on the casting desk. Unprofessional presentation is one of the top reasons why materials from qualified applicants end up in the trash. Make sure this doesn’t happen to you! Grab their attention with a well-organized, visually appealing Performer’s Publicity Pack from YourType.

Unique to our service is The Remember Me™ Sheet. The Remember Me™ Sheet is perfect to include when you’re doing a general mailing, to keep up with contacts you’ve made on various gigs, or in a follow-up to or request for auditions. Your reader gets a compact reminder of who you are and what you do, and you save money on postage and expensive headshots!

For a complete listing of services and products included in The Complete Performer's Publicity Pack, and the Managed Singer's Special Pack, visit our Computer Services area.


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Last modified: August 21, 2001