For your further information, here are some organizations on the 'net that are of use to performers. If you know of a site which should be listed here, please e-mail us, and we will consider adding a link.
Please also see our list of "Other Resources" for even more links.
Actor's Fund of America
Aid for AIDS
Cabaret West
Center for Voice Disorders
Daring Diva's Treasure Map (especially for classical singers)
Episcopal Actors' Guild of America, Inc.
H.E.A.R. (Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers)
International Phonetic Alphabet
MPTF, Motion Picture & Television Fund
Musicians Foundation Inc.
The Recording Academy: NARAS Foundation
Rhythm & Blues Foundation
SAG, Screen Actors Guild
SIMS Foundation
Society of Singers
The Songwriters Guild of America
Sublets for Singers Go here first when you're going out of town
Sweet Relief Musicians Fund
Voice Instructors Directory
Will Rogers Memorial Fund
World Wide Arts Resources